A Security Vulnerability Datasource


What is CVE?

CVE is a list of information security vulnerabilities and exposures that aims to provide common names for publicly known problems. The goal of CVE is to make it easier to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, repositories, and services) with this “common enumeration.” Please visit http://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html for more information

What is a “Vulnerability?”

An information security “vulnerability” is a mistake in software that can be directly used by a hacker to gain access to a system or network.

What is an “Exposure?”

An information security exposure is a mistake in software that allows access to information or capabilities that can be used by a hacker as a stepping-stone into a system or network.

What is a CVE Identifier?

CVE Identifiers (also called “CVE names,” “CVE numbers,” “CVE-IDs,” and “CVEs”) are unique, common identifiers for publicly known information security vulnerabilities. Each CVE Identifier includes the following:
– CVE identifier number (i.e., “CVE-1999-0067”).
– Indication of “entry” or “candidate” status.
– Brief description of the security vulnerability or exposure.
– Any pertinent references (i.e., vulnerability reports and advisories or OVAL-ID).
– CVE Identifiers are used by information security product/service vendors and researchers as a standard method for identifying vulnerabilities and for cross-linking with other repositories that also use CVE Identifiers.

Who owns CVE?

The MITRE Corporation maintains CVE and this public Web site, manages the compatibility program, and provides impartial technical guidance to the CVE Editorial Board throughout the process to ensure CVE serves the public interest. Please visit cve.mitre.org for more information

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